Following list includes main reasoning why this blog has been created

  • Better Understanding of a Topic: Explaining or teaching someone else about a specific topic requires a deep understanding of it. Writing about it not only reinforces my knowledge but also allows me to present it in a way that provides value to the reader. It's a win-win situation where both sides benefit.
  • Improved Communication Skills: Writing will enhance my communication skills, hopefully making me a better communicator overall.
  • Exposure to the World: It can lead to new relationships, job opportunities and at the same time the website can showcase who I am, what I know or what I am interested and passionate about.
  • Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone: As a lifelong learner, I enjoy trying new things and stepping out of my comfort zone. Writing blogs and teaching others are entirely new things for me, making this project even more interesting.

On top of that I wanted to have my personal website for quite some time so me being a web dev just made sense to make one!

Another interesting thing is that the entire app is built with Svelte and SvelteKit which I've been hearing good things about for quite some time, but never really made anything with it, until now. And I Love It! Perhaps I'll talk about the tech stack in near future.

That being said, the first blog post is out there, and I'll see you next time.
